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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wordful Wednesday: How Does Your Garden Grow?

Oh, February. For gardeners like me, it's probably the most agonizing month of the year. Why? Well, because it's been ages since we've been able to get our hands dirty.

Months since we've seen anything green growing in our gardens.

And far too long since we've been able to dig down deep and savagely rip those pesky little weeds out by their roots (which we may or may not be pretending are the throats of the people who make us mad).

But it's not quite time to start hoping for spring and the pale green shoots that accompany it. Almost, but not quite. So what's a gardening fool supposed to do? Peruse gardening porn, errr, plant catalogs, of course.

That's just what I did last night. I had a big stack of glossy magazines, which I reverently opened one by one, reveling in the riot of color that greeted my flower-starved gaze on every page. By the time I was done, I had mentally spent about $567483902.

In actuality, of course, I didn't spend a thing. But here, for your viewing pleasure, are a few of my favorite theoretical acquisitions from White Flower Farm.


This is a Baja Lily. Isn't it scrumptious? 

These are Belladonna delphiniums. I've always had a soft spot for these beauties—even though they're ridiculously difficult to grow. 

Check out these Hot Papaya coneflowers. I must have them for the name alone.


I've never traveled down Route 66, but if it looks anything like these Route 66 coreopsis, I think I should.

 Banana Cream shasta daisies just sound delicious, don't they?

And that will conclude the flower porn edition of Wordful Wednesday. Be sure to head over to Seven Clown Circus to see what the other participants have to offer.


  1. I have found that a trip to the florist is the gardener's equivalent of a strip club.
    I love walking into the coolers. The heavenly scent saturating each droplet in the foggy air. Ahhh!
    Spring will come eventually!

  2. Don't know much about flowers, but they do have some awesome names don't they? Happy WW - following you.

  3. Are there any gardening mags you like to read? I'm not sure where you're located, but there's a great magazine targeted towards the Northwest all about food, wine, travel, green living, and gardening! It's called Sunset and it's so good!

  4. So pretty! I am horrible at keeping anything alive (besides my family and cat.) Gardening is not my friend. I so so admire people who are good at it, though! You must post some pics of your garden once it starts a-growing!

  5. My mom has the green thumb in my family and while I love flowers I just haven't gotten the knack for gardening yet. However, I planted some tulips and easter lilies last year that were beautiful and I can see little green shoots popping up where they were last year. I'm so excited at the prospect of having flowers again this year. I won't be able to do a full out garden (I move in May) but in the mean time I will enjoy what little I can. And when it comes to spending an insane amount of money (mentally) on flowers I do it best with the Jackson and Perkins catalog. I LOVE their flowers and will pour over the magazine and dream of a garden I one day hope to be more than just a little proud of.

  6. I am dreaming of what I want to plant in my veggie garden this year and what I want to put out in containers on the deck. I love leafing through White Flower Farms - gorgeous magazine.

  7. I love the pics, makes me eager for spring to arrive. thanks for following me by the way, Coryanne

  8. I so want to have a garden one day - the desert isn't exactly ideal for this sort of thing.

  9. Flower porn! I love it... I wonder what the SEO will be like for this post :)


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