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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Awards, Oh My!

First of all, I just want to thank all of you for your support. I was really very nervous about publishing yesterday's post, but you all came through for me. I think I owe each of you a hundred bucks for playing the part of my therapist.

But you know what? You're not going to get it. But, hey, I thought about it. And it's the thought that counts, right?

In other news, some very lovely ladies have presented me with some equally fabulous awards. Over the last few days, I've collected a few of these beauties, and it's time to polish 'em up and show them off! Ready? Here we go.

Both Surviving Motherhood and One Cluttered Brain feel I deserve this bit of shiny goodness:

 Meanwhile, Momma Blogs a Lot gave me this very appropriately titled award:

And one of my very newest friends, The Stroller Ballet, thinks I'm just lovely (I think she's pretty great too):

So, now it's my turn to pass on the love. All these awards have different rules and requirements, but I'm not too good at doing what I'm told (authority, it makes my hackles go up). Instead, here's a list of some of my favorite bloggers. If you're on it, consider yourself awarded (and if I missed you, it's not that I don't love you. It's just that my pillow is beckoning).

Badass Geek—He's a funny man, that one. Check him out.
I'm Still Fabulous—My friend e's newest blog. She says it's not ready for prime time. I disagree.
The Seamstress of Avalon—Actress. Seamstress. Blogger Extraordinaire.
Mommy Wants Vodka—One of my heroes. 'Nuff said.
I Choose Bliss—Simply inspiring.
The Beet Goes On—She's living in Moscow with her family and writes about her adventures.
I've Changed My Name to Mommy—Another wickedly entertaining woman.
Rock and Drool—She's a Michigan girl (gotta represent), but more than that, she really rawks.
Lattes and Life—One of my daily must reads.
Us and Them—We'll round out this list with another guy. He'll make you snort. With laughter, that is.

That's only ten. I wish I could give you more, but seriously, my head's about to hit the keyboard. Thanks again, everyone. For the awards, for the support and for the friendship. I'd hug you all if I could reach you (well, not really. I'm actually not a very touchy feely person. But again, the thought is there...).


  1. Your welcome! You deserve it!

    So BLOG PARTY time. Did you see my post?
    Do you want me to start with the questions or do you want to start?
    You better read the post first. I'll wait.

    If you want to wait until monday we can do that too.

  2. Awesome, thank you!

    I hope you have a great weekend.


Feed my blogging habit and leave me a comment! Oh, and if you do me a favor and make sure your email isn't blocked, we can keep this conversation from being one-sided!