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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Banishing the Baby Belly: Week 4


I really don't want to write this post today. I don't. But dag nam it, I made a commitment to y'all, so I guess I have to.

I got on the scale this morning. It says I'm up 1.2 pounds. I think that number is a bit misleading, as I ate spectacularly heavily yesterday and meals like that tend to hang around for a day or two, but still. I'm up. That's the number I'll have to plug into my WW Weight Tracker.

That sucks.

I know. I have only myself to blame. I didn't need to sample both the birthday pie and birthday cake that were presented to me yesterday.  And I probably could have exercised when I got home. Tying on the gym shoes certainly would have been a better option than drinking that beer...

But c'est la vie.

All I can do is pick myself up, dust myself off and do a better job of tracking next week. Right? Right.

How did you ladies do? Inspire me with your progress, please.


  1. oh... I know how you feel! I'm taking it one day at the time, but it is so slow. The worst part is that I fall into temptation every time. I have absolutely NO WILLPOWER. I accidentally ate it!

    Wishing you the best this weekend!

  2. Just take it one day at a time...it will come off!

    My new blog is up, would love to have you visit!

  3. I'm back! I was going to post my award today, but realized there is not enough time. It's already 12 AM and I have to pack for my trip to Poland tomorrow. I'll be back in a week and I will post my award then... Just so you know:-)

  4. There are good days and bad days but there is always another day. :) I hope you enjoyed the pie and cake, that's all that matters. I've been bouncing back and forth between the same 2 pounds for a while, but we'll see what my scale says when I "officially" weigh in on Wednesday.

  5. This "lady" didn't do very well. The last week or so I'm eating like it's an Olympic event. Do they make pregnancy pants for men?

  6. Next week, I'll be sure to leave it "guys"... I believe pregnancy pants for men are called sweatpants!

  7. Oh, it's so hard. I need to get myself back on track- I'm terrible these days.

  8. OOOh.. I had to work this weekend, so I never made it to WW for a weigh in. AF was in town, so I am kind of glad I need to wait til next week.

    In lieu of the weigh in, I had a semi- interview with Goldie Hawn and got a fab pic of her with me :) So, it was kinda worth it.

  9. e, tell me you're going to post it on your blog? I MUST see this!

    That sounds like an, ahem, "golden" opportunity to miss a weigh in to me (sorry, sorry, couldn't help myself).

  10. I went up a pound, then down 2 this week, so I'm down 21 total. I was hoping to be down 25 by the 17th... Not sure that will happen, but I'll keep trying!

    And you SO can't beat yourself up over being 1.2 up after your birthday week! Birthdays are totally exempt from counting points!


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