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Friday, July 3, 2009

Baby's First (and Maybe Last) Professional Photos.

Tori's three months old today. A whole quarter year! To document this  (maybe not so) momentous occasion, I took her to the mall to get her first "professional" pictures.

That was a mistake.

She woke up crabby. So crabby that I almost didn't go at all. But I'd already rescheduled three times, so I ignored her whining, got her scrubbed up, dressed up and in the car.

When we arrived, she was sound asleep, so I had to wake her up. Never a good idea. She woke up screaming, but by the time the so-called photographer was ready for us (20 minutes later), she was outwardly calm.

That lasted until the first flash bulb went off. The next 45 minutes consisted of me putting her into poses, pulling down her dress, trying to get her to stop crying, then attempting  (completely unsuccessfully) to coax a smile out of her.

It was not fun. But in the end, we did get a few cute pictures.

The closest we got to a smile...


Sitting pretty (yes, I forgot her socks)...


Close up (ignore the paper in her hair)...


This one's a candid of me trying to get her calm...


And I'm including this one just 'cause her dress is cute...

And that was that. I could go on and tell you what a rip off the packages were, or how I wanted to wrestle the woman out from behind the camera and do it myself, but that would make me sound bitchy. So I won't.

Suffice it to say, we're thinking of getting our own backdrop so we can take her six month pics right here at home.


  1. I have backdrops...and LOTS of experience with baby pics. I'm also very adept at doing the whole phantom-hand-under-the-sheet-holding-up-the-baby thing. I haven't dropped Jamie or Caity yet.

  2. That is why my business is as much a ministry as it is an income. I had TERRIBLE expiriences with the older two at Sears and KMart. CHILDREN ARE NOT COMFORTABLE OUT OF THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT!!! So...whenever you guys get a chance to come up, I will be happy to get a private session in for her! In the meantime, you took BEAUTIFUL shots of her on your couch! You can take your own photos in a heartbeat. Half of my backdrops are velour and look and feel like blankets - my first backdrops were sheets! I think you would be amazed at what you can do - take the lampshade off a lamp and use it for lighting! :) My only suggestion is MAKE SURE Brian is there and let him do the positioning, trying to get her to smile, etc...I have a hard time being mommy AND photographer, so let him cover half of that equation! I can't wait to see what you come up with! :)

  3. I hate going to Sears too, but if you have coupons and buy a la carte (the packages are total rip-offs), the price isn't too bad. And the baby will get more cooperative - the 3-month pics with my kids were definitely the worst. If you can swing it, take someone with you... after Caity's 3-month ones I always took Elona with me, and that helped a LOT.

  4. P.S. I love the one with "paper in her hair". It's a great shot. But I don't see any paper.

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