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    Amber Page Writes

Friday, May 8, 2009

So This is What Exhaustion Is.

Spend even the briefest span of time with this blog, and you'll come away with one overriding message - since I started this, when my pregnancy began, I have been TIRED.

Before I had this baby, I thought I was exhausted. But no. At the time, I didn't really know what the meaning of exhaustion was.

See, B.T. (Before Tori), I could make allowances for my tiredness. If I was up in the middle of the night, I could hit the snooze button in the morning (sometimes three or four or nine times). I could call in late to work. And once I got there, I could spend most of the day in a zoned out haze, only rousing myself when a deadline approached (that's when I do my best work anyway).

But now? There is no snooze. No calling in. No spacing out when work needs to be done. My boss is the most demanding person I have ever met. And she wants what she wants, when she wants it, or there is hell (in the form of shattered eardrums and shredded nerves) to pay.

So I, a woman who has always needed her sleep to function properly, find myself running on 3 or 4 - maybe 5 hours of sleep if I'm lucky (but not in solid chunks). The result? A level of tiredness so deep, I don't even bother making coffee anymore.

There's just no point. It doesn't penetrate the fog.

And now I know what exhausted really means.

But you know what? I'm rising to the occasion (mostly). Sure, sometimes I forget what day it is. Or whether I've taken a shower, eaten breakfast or brushed my teeth. And sometimes, the most basic facts and vocabulary words escape me.

But I still manage to rouse myself at the first pre-sob hiccup. And so far, she's gotten fed, changed and bathed regularly. I'd even mention that I haven't tripped over my feet and fallen while carrying her, but that would be tempting fate.

And tonight? Well, I'm told it's Friday, which means my husband can take the 3 a.m. feeding (that stretches till 5, most days). In fact, he's telling me I should go to bed right now - apparently, I'm in a foul mood.

Maybe tomorrow I'll have recovered enough brain cells to be able to think of a clever way to end this post. But for now? I think I'll just say good night.


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