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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who Wants to Vote on My New Header?

My husband, creative maestro that he is, has decided he wants to start designing blogs. So, of course I told him he could start with mine. What we've come up with so far is a drastic departure from what I currently have, so I thought I'd put out feelers before it becomes reality.

Obviously, this is rough. But what do you guys think? If we go this route, I'm thinking my tag could be something like "writing my way through life, one wrong turn at a time." Maybe.

Be honest (but as nicely as you can, please).


  1. It's cute! I don't know if the 'wrong turn' part is necessary- you seem to be doing just fine to me.

  2. Cute! Your tag line is hilarious! Even I don't think it's really true ;) it would grab people's attention.

  3. I think it fits more than the current one. Look at all the clues to your life he put in the pic. Has the islands, the right car, the dog, rear facing car seat. Think he nailed it.


  4. I think it's a darling. Catchy phrase, although not sure it's true.

  5. i think the design is adorable! not sure about the "wrong turn" part though.. ? what about "one right (and some wrong) turns at a time? " or something like that?

  6. I LOVE your current flowert-ness but I think this is adorable! Love the colors and flowers and everything going on. I think the faces might need a little tweaking but it's fab in general. I don't know the wrong turn part-maybe just something about twists and turns?

  7. I LOVE the yellow convertible car!!!
    Do it Amber. I love it. The tagline is even cute too.

  8. I'll tell you: At first glance, I LOVE IT.

    I love the colors, it's so pretty...I like the look.

    I think your face needs some tweaking, and your little guys' head needs to be a bit larger.

    The most important thing: I don't like the "taking all the wrong turns" part b/c you are an awesome blogger and mom to me.

    Can you not say that ? For me?, cuz I only follow the best, you know?

    Thank you!

  9. I like it, and I actually like the wrong turn part, I think it's cute and honest. Not everyday goes the right way and we learn a lot from our wrong turns.

  10. I like it. Especially the vaca palm trees in the distance!!

  11. I like it- now? Wrong turns? They've done you well then!!

  12. love the design - he's talented! and i, too, thoroughly enjoy the tag line. i'm no help am i? :)

  13. I agree with the above - everything perfect, except a little tweaking on your face and the baby's.

    For the tag-line, how about "penning - or - composing my way around life's every bend" ??

  14. This is an old version of the picture too. I have made new edition so it almost fits completely across a normal monitor. For a wide-screen I could always layer another picture and have it float on top.
    I still have to edit/paint the car and characters in photoshop to give it a more painterly feel to it, since I originally made the image in illustrator.

  15. It's a little busy, but otherwise good!

  16. i like it, and i like the tagline too! just because you make a wrong turn doesn't mean you're doing something wrong, just different than planned so I think it fits. What person (and mother!) can say they never have to forgo their original plan for another? And sometimes that altered plan works out better than the original ever would have!

    I also like that the header is different. I find all too often that peeps will get a blog makeover and then their graphics look too similar to others, like there is somethign about the graphics used for people look eerily alike, and yours looks a bit different.

    And of course being a country girl, I like the corn fields! lol


Feed my blogging habit and leave me a comment! Oh, and if you do me a favor and make sure your email isn't blocked, we can keep this conversation from being one-sided!