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    Amber Page Writes

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oh, Crap. I Have to be Honest?

Honesty. It's a wonderful thing, isn't it? Except when it isn't (as in, I don't actually want to know that those pants make me look fat).

Anyway, the Empress, ruler of Good Day, Regular People, recently said that although some of us pretend we're above them, in truth, everyone loves getting blog awards. And she's right. I know I never get tired of finding those happy little links in my inbox (after all, we've already established that I'm an attention whore).

So finding this (which she has renamed Honest Crap):

Really made my day.

 But there are rules (sigh). We've got to share some honest crap about ourselves, which I am happy to do, and pass it on to some bloggers who also deserve it. That's the part that makes me frown (I'm lazy, yo).

First the easy stuff.
  • Last week, my cat puked at the end of my bed, which I discovered shortly before turning out the light. But I was really fricking tired, so I let it sit there. All. Night. Long. Gross, huh?
  • There is a pot of spaghetti in my fridge that's been there for 2.5 weeks. It's taking up almost an entire shelf, and is totally in the way. But I am too dang lazy to throw it out. It will probably be there until my mom comes to visit.
  • This weekend, I took my book into the bathroom and curled up on the rug to read—for a full hour. Not even my husband stays on the crapper for that long.
  • My car has smelled vaguely like spoiled milk for months now. Months. Today? I opened this little storage compartment to find an entire package of American cheese. And oh, the smell! But you know what? I got out without throwing it away (see? lazy).
  • Recently, while I was, ahem, sorting some laundry that had been sitting in my closet for a while, I came across some of Tori's clothes. In the 3-6 month size. That's how long it's been since I was all caught up on my laundry, people.
Aaaaaand that's enough of that. Anybody still with me? I'm really not a terrible person, I promise. Just a messy one.

Now on to the award giving. If you're a blogger, and you're reading this, you know I love you. But I'm going to take a stroll through my reader and pimp a few of you out here:

On The Verge

Yes I Am That Mommy

Earth Mother Just Means I'm Dusty

The Bjorn Identity

Sassy Irish Lassie

Typing One Handed

But really? You're all awarded. Even if you don't blog. Heck, if you take valuable minutes out of your day to read my ramblings? Me love you long time. Now it's your turn. Who should we all be reading?


  1. I think we might be related. Or bff's, with an extra 'f'. We are, quite seriously, same person--different body. I am all of those things you listed. Especially the pot in the fridge. And I once got a poop stain from a diaper on my bed--I think it was a little while before i got around to washing it.

    this is the second time today i've admitted to the internets that i'm pretty gross.

    and thanks so much for passing along the love! it's much appreciated.

  2. I love On the Verge, too. I'll check out the other ladies, b/c if you love them, then they gotta be sumpin sumpin. Thanks for the honesty. Feels good to just come clean, doesn't it???

    Thanks for the smiles...

  3. I agree! I love me some awards too! Congrats on yours! :)

  4. Awww, someone beat me to the punch. I'm giving you the same award tomorrow. :-)

  5. lol. Yup, sounds like my fridge some days.
    *SIGH* it is so hard to be a mom sometimes.

  6. At least you're a mom, you have a good excuse. I have two puppies and a very helpful husband, and I'm still lazy!

  7. You're hilarious. Seriously. Thank God I'm not the only one to let a little vomit fester for a while. . . .

  8. HA!! I think we must be related, Amber, because I would have left the cheese, too.

    And thanks for the pimp, babe!

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  11. The thought of old cheese in a car? Well, it made me throw up a little in my mouth.



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