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Friday, April 9, 2010

Come On In and Party Down.

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Well, hello! Are you here for the party? Don't worry if you didn't get an invitation, party crashers are welcome (at least I hope so, since that's what I'm doing).

For those of you who haven't heard, 5 Minutes For Mom is hosting a little shindig called the Ultimate Blog Party. Apparently, this is the party to end all parties, as it lasts for an entire week—and it's got an appropriately gargantuan guest list  (as far as I can tell, nearly everyone in the blogosphere is coming).

So, since I can't stand to be left out of things, I thought I'd tag along after all the cool kids and throw open the doors to my humble little blog. Oh, and did I mention it's a costume party?

Don't worry if you didn't dress up. I took the liberty of getting you all fairy princess get-ups. So put on your tiara...

grab your magic wand...

and join me for an appropriately fru-fru drink.

Oh, come on, it's all in the name of blog party fun!

So, by now, you're probably wondering who this mad woman you've found yourself stuck with actually is. And you know what? I wish I knew the answer to that, I really do.

Here's what I do know—I'm a red-headed, hot tempered drama queen who writes to live and lives to write. I've got myself a gorgeous baby girl...

a spectacularly patient husband, and a whole menagerie of persnickety pets.

I write about whatever comes to mind. So sometimes I share sappy stuff, like this post about my daughter's first birthday...

And sometimes I talk about random stuff, like ways to tell if you're PMSing.

Sometimes I think out loud about the kind of role model I want to be for my daughter.

And sometimes I talk about my own struggles with depression.

But, more often than not,  I'm just  plain silly.

But that's enough about me. Let's talk about you. What drew you to blogging? What keeps you going? Do you want to be my bloggy friend? I'd like to be yours...

I don't want to be needy, so I'll cut you loose to continue on through the party circuit. But before you go, grab a piece of the yummy chocolate cake I baked for you.

That's right. I'm not above bribery here. So come back soon. You never know what delicious treats you'll find waiting for you!


  1. LOVE the photo!
    And you are clearly smarter than I am since I could NOT for the life of me figure out how to get the html banner in the actual blog post.

  2. Love this post! You are too stinkin' cute and so is your daughter!

  3. Thanks for the cake! It was fun to read about you!

  4. Unfortunately for you, I don't like chocolate. Yet FORTUNATELY for you, I love writing and writers and e-friends that comment and dress up parties (I'm in my HP gear, by the way) and adorable little girls.

    I also suffer with depression. If you ever need to talk with some, stop by my blog or send me an email. Sometimes we just need to talk. To vent. To cry. I totally get it.

    And since you asked, I've never read Kim Harrison but she is now on my list! My favorites are JR Ward and Sherrilyn Kenyon with a little early Laurel K Hamilton mixed in. I'm currently making my way through Keri Authur's Riley Jenson series. Very impressed!

  5. Yum thanks for the yummy cake and drinks!!!
    num num.
    You are awesome!!
    Love your costume. Thanks for the tiara!! and scepter. ;)
    have a great time meeting other bloggers!

  6. First I want to say I want some of that cake! But anyway, I started blogging because I heard it was a way to make extra money on the side but then found that I just loved expressing myself and learning about new things. Blogging is a great way to get the word out about important things in the world.

  7. I LOVE the all orange outfit! That color always makes me feel happy.

    Your baby girl is the cutest EVER!

  8. what a cute post Amber! I smiled the whole way through!

  9. Happy Blog Party!

    Love the Velma outfit!
    Your blog is beautiful. :)

  10. Chocolate cake? I'm there! Stopping by to celebrate the party! I hope you'll come visit mine!

  11. I love this....I am your newest follower - stopping by from UBP


  12. Your daughter is beautiful and I'll have a piece of that cake, please!?

    Stopping by from the party :).

  13. YOu have a very cute blog and I really like your writing style. In fact I would love for you to do a guest post on my blog. If you are interested email me polsen11atcomcastdotnet

  14. Stopping by from the party! Great to meet you! I love your style of writing......random and honest! I appreciate your willingness to share! Your baby girl is beautiful! check me out!


  15. Thanks for stopping by! I am so going to be back to visit you!

  16. love the colors in your blog and want to come back and read more....Great blog....This is such a fun party and I have already met some of the greatest bloggers... I am sad it is about to end. I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night.....

  17. Following the conga line in the UBP party! I LOVE your blog...it's adorable! Your blog is a lot of fun to read. I love your costume!

  18. I came across your blog when you posted the photo shoot that includes the one where your little ones's wearing the blue jacket and crawling in the grass. She's such a cutie!

    Thanks for the cake and tiara. I'm such a fan of both (especially with two little girls).

  19. Scooooby Doooby Doo! :)

    Hope you had fun at the Ultimate Blog Party!

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! The party's not over yet! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  20. Hi, I'm still hopping around the list. You have a great sense of humor. I'm a new follower and I love you name!
    Stop by and check me out if you want ~Amber @ The Mom Road


Feed my blogging habit and leave me a comment! Oh, and if you do me a favor and make sure your email isn't blocked, we can keep this conversation from being one-sided!