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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordful Wednesday: Twelve Months.

Well, Internet, we made it. On Saturday, Tori will be one whole year old. I thought this achievement deserved official portraits, but haven't had much luck with our local portrait studio. Here's proof.

So instead, we headed out to a particularly picturesque garden nursery in town and had our own impromptu photo shoot. The results were pretty awesome, if I don't say so myself.

First we spent some time checking out the nursery's fish pond. It took a while to draw her attention away from the brightly colored koi, but the results were worth it, don't you think?

Then we plunked her inside this handy pot. She drew quite the audience while taking this picture, thus the big smile (she loves to be the center of attention).

Then we set her loose in the lawn and did our best to keep up with her. She crawled around, giggling like a maniac...

But when she found an interesting looking stick, she actually sat still for a minute.

And this one? Well, I don't know when we took this one, but it's pretty cool, isn't it?

Take that, Sears Portrait Studio. You are dead to us.

There is more Tori goodness, but I won't bore you with the rest. Instead, head over to Seven Clown Circus for more Wordful Wednesday fun!


  1. great pictures...she is gorgeous!!!
    Happy Birthday tori!!!

  2. What a beautiful lil one you have there. She is just all smiles! And No We dont have any flowers growing on our rear! Haha! I didnt notice that sign til I had uploaded the pics to my facebook and everyone started commenting on it! It was kind of an oops moment...but turned out to be kinda funny! Wonder what she will say when she is like 16 and sees that pic.

  3. That smile, those chubby cheeks, the sunshine, sitting in the pot...it's all perfectly delightful!

  4. I love the green grass and sun. Oh, and Tori is pretty stinkin cute as well. Congratulations on raising a super happy 1-yr-old.

  5. Just stunning - and sooo much better than what a studio could have given you!

  6. Such a cute age! (Found you via Wordful Wednesday.)

  7. Those are some great photos. I love the last one just beautiful.

  8. I think those pictures turned out adorable and perfect! And there's something so nice about taking them yourself, I think.

  9. Hello! I'm your new follower though Wordful Wednesday! Great site! Visit me at http://www.rockindeals4you.com/?p=848 and sign up for my giveaway!

  10. Too Too cute! Especially the third (ithink) picture...oh what the heck...they are all gorgeous!

  11. Those are terrific pictures. Outside and happy are a great combination. Hope she has a happy birthday on Sat.


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