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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wordful Wednesday: Ten Months.

My little Tori is ten months old today. Ten months. That means she's been out of my belly longer than she was baking inside it. In two more months, she'll be a whole year (look at me, I can do math!). It seems unbelievable...

She's not real big on posing for pictures anymore.


She'd rather stand and play with her toys.

In fact, you almost have to trap her to get her to sit still.

But every once in a while, you can still catch one that makes it worth the trouble.

Here's to ten months of adventure. Who knows what the next ten months will bring?


  1. Oh my. She is like a little person now! I have not even had the baby yet, but this post makes me want to be able to slow down time. How can they grow so fast?

  2. She's adorable! And I agree. They grow up way too fast.

  3. Oh, man, she is SO cute. I just want to chew on her a little bit!

  4. She's so cute! Thanks for sharing the photos!!

  5. Aww, thanks everyone. Just don't tell Tori...we wouldn't want her cuteness to go to her head. ;-)

    @meganboley - I have no idea. But if you figure out how to slow down time, lemme know. Except, I really don't want it to stay February, so maybe that's not such a good idea...

  6. She is SO cute and looks like so much fun. 10 months go quickly, don't they?

  7. What a sweetpea. Have you started planning her b-day party yet?

  8. Those cheeks are just too much! How do you refrain from taking a little nibble here and there?

    We just passed the 9-month mark (Collin is an end-of-the-monther). I simply cannot believe that time has flown this quickly!

  9. Soo sweet - love the "trapped" picture - hehe

  10. She has got the cutest cheeks ever. How do you stop yourself from biting them?

  11. Happy 10-month birthday Tori! My goodness, the cheeks. Must munch on them :-)

  12. Adorable!! My first two started walking around 10 months, but I don't think Savannah will. She's 8.5 months and still army crawling. Poor girl....her thighs get in her way!!!


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