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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holiday Card Dilemma.

For each of my 11 married years,  I've sent out your standard Christmas cards. The ones you find at Hallmark and Target and Borders. And I like them.

But now that we're a "family" and not just a married couple, I thought we should create a photo card, like all the other happy families do. Right? Right.

I even dragged my husband and baby to Sears to have the formal family holiday portrait taken (yes, I'm making myself barf from the saccharine too). Would someone remind me not to do that again? It was a nightmare.

But that's a story for another post.

At the end of the day, we came away with two pretty decent pictures. Pictures I fully intended to use on our holiday card.

This family portrait:

And this picture of Tori dressed in her Christmas finery:


 But yesterday, we were checking out the downtown Christmas decorations and snapped this picture:

Pretty adorable, right? And just begging for the caption, "Yes, Victoria, there is a Santa Claus."

So now I'm torn. Cheesy family portrait or this more creative option? I don't know what to do, and I have to decide fast. So I'm asking you, Internet. Which would you choose?


  1. ou can use more than one picture most places - why not try using all three?

  2. wish I could type better one handed... :O)

  3. The one of your daughter looking at Santa is perfect. I'd use that one!

  4. While the Sears portraits are very nice(good framed gifts to family) I'd use the photo of her looking at Santa, it's ADORABLE! :)

  5. Tori looking at santa is a great photo, but no one is going to say "Here's a picture of Tori." You just can't see enough of her. I'd really like to see Tori, not art. If you can get multiple photos the Santa makes a good cover and Tori inside would be perfect. Otherwise got with the famly.


  6. How about you send the "cheesy" ones to people you don't care too much for, and the cute one (the last one) to the important people?

  7. You guys look great in the portrait, but love the one of Tori and Santa! It really captures the spirit of the season and the moment in time!

  8. The bottom one is beautiful but I LOVE to see every member of the family when people send me cards so I might opt for the WHOLE family pic. And only more special people like grandparents, and people like that get the other pics too..;)
    That's what I would do anyway.
    Beautiful FAMILY.

  9. The last one by far. That is a great shot. And free I might add.

  10. I agree that the Santa pic is super cute and very frame-able. I don't know if it would work for a card, though. You can't really see enough of Tori in that pic. The Sears ones are cute but their cards can get expensive (unless you can rip the image off the internet - or did you purchase the portrait CD?). As another option, could you throw Tori back in her dress and take a couple of shots at home, in front of the tree or something? That's what we always do for our cards and it works well.

  11. Well, after all that, I went ahead and ordered the family pic one. Why? Well, because my husband said, "we paid $30 for that picture! You have to use it!"

    The "or else" was implied.

    However, I'm going to frame up that other one. It's priceless.

    I think it might even become an ornament...

  12. Oh, the one YOU took for sure! It's got so much more personality to it! It's a photo that you really look at and investigate, rather than glance at and stick up on your fridge, you know? And you can use the Sears ones for her baby book or something!

  13. OKay... posting #3 on the same entry ( darn OpenID!) Boiling down a semi-long post to this...

    Love all the pics.
    Glad you chose the "portrait."
    I think the last one should be something special for you and your hubby to share :)

  14. Awww, what a dilemma!! They're all so good! I agree with others..try to use all three. Barring that.....gosh. I think I'd go with the studio shot. And save the perfectly captured shot to blow up and frame or scrapbook.

  15. Use the one of your daughter looking at Santa. Creative photos always have a bigger impact! Plus, she's adorable.


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