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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordful Wednesday: A Few of Her Favorite Things

Tori is surrounded by educational, developmentally correct toys. Things like stackers and blocks. Brightly colored things. Things that squeak and rattle and roll.

But you know what? Those are not her favorite things. These are.

That's a piece of paper she's got in her mouth. She loves paper - crunching it, shredding it...eating it.

That's a metal spoon. Plain old ordinary spoon.

 This is a cat toy. It's quite possibly her favorite thing in the whole world.

This, at least, is actually meant for babies. Teething babies. Like her.

Yep, another spoon. This one doubles as a drumstick. And a baton.

See, she does have real toys. Sometimes she even plays with them!

Now head over to Seven Clown Circus and see what other people have to say this week.


  1. haha... love it!! It's all about the simple things in life!

  2. ohhh what a sweetheart!
    My kids perfer things other they toys too! *L* my son will pick up anything he is not suppose to be playing with to play with half the time.. *L*
    and my youngest.. well she is at the age anything new is exciting for her!

  3. Oh man, look at that hair. She's adorable!

  4. She is just too precious. I remember when mine were that little they had to taste everything, so that's quite normal.

  5. She is an absolute DOLL. My kids always liked the household items rather than real toys, too. :)

  6. Oh my golly, your little one is just TOO adorable! I do think she needs a box. I remember there was nothing like a good box I could get inside of when I was little.

  7. I find cat toys fun, too. It's the little bells they put on them, I think.

  8. What a doll! It always makes me laugh that we spend hundreds of dollars on toys, and they find every day household items way more interesting!

  9. Your daughter is super cute! This reminded me of that old story of the man who bought an expensive gift for his kid and the child just wanted to play with the box. LOL

  10. She is so cute! And she looks so happy!

  11. Haha. Too cute! My little bear loves to play with boxes.

  12. My kid never plays with anything meant for babies. Like electrical cords. Those are her favorite.

  13. Heeeee hee what a cutie!! Savannah has recently taken an interest in her daddy's hat. Just a regular old ball cap. But she lunges for it when she sees him. It's hilarious.


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