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Monday, November 9, 2009

Adventures in Girl Land: The Hair Edition.

I've never been very good at being a girl. I mean, sure, I like to wear skirts, have a serious shoe fetish and cry at weddings. But I'm not good at girl stuff. You know, like putting on makeup. Or picking out accessories to match my outfits. Or doing my hair.

Especially the hair thing. After twenty years of battling acne, I figured out how to do a passable job of "putting on my face" as my mom always called it. But my hair? Has pretty much always been a bit of a disaster.

In high school, which I attended at the height of bad perms and mall bangs, I tried to fit in.  I got the perm, attempted to curl the bangs...but on me, it never looked quite right.

In college, I cut it all off. Got myself a pixie cut. It looked kinda cute...but I still hadn't grasped the concept of styling products. So it was always just a little bit off.

Over the years, I've gotten better. I've also gotten better at picking easy-to-manage hairstyles. Hairstyles that take nothing more complex than a little flat ironing. Until last week. Last week, in a fit of, "oh man, I look like a mom. I don't want to look like a mom," I got myself a haircut with lots of layers, requiring lots of product and more intense "styling."

So you know what I did today? I spent 60 bucks on styling tools. Got myself a real ceramic straightening iron and a fancy shmancy ionic hair dryer (whatever the hell that means). I even got myself some product.

I'm hoping these magic tools will help me go from clueless schlub to hairstyling pro...or at least someone who looks like she knows what she's doing.  Think it'll work?

Do me a favor. Don't answer that.


  1. I could have written this post ... I can't do a damn thing with my hair and yet, I have a fortune invested in hair product strewn across my vanity.

  2. WOOOHOOO Good luck. I suck at the same girl stuff LOL

  3. I am all for fancy schmancy tools!

  4. No hope for me..I could buy all that, and still have bad hair.

  5. I am no good at doing my hair either

  6. Oh I am a girly girl, but it is so easy to lose yourself when becoming a mom. Yay you for going out and treating yourself!

  7. what no pictures?? I need a new due myself

  8. You sound just like me, my hairstyle 80% of the time is a pony tail. If people around me are lucky I might straighten and wear down, but not very often.

  9. I was good with my hair for like five minutes in 2003. I don't know what I did back then, but I wish I could replicate it. Fat chances, right now my hair is two-toned from not being able to dye it,(pregnant and all) and it only gets washed every other day. UGH, I just made myself sound really dirty! I hope your product and supplies work!

  10. My daughter and I paint our nails, if it rains we then run outside with such pretty nails .... to catch night crawlers for the worm bed. lol

  11. Where's the photos?!! haha!

    I'd love to see the new "do"

  12. Where's the photos?!! haha!

    I'd love to see the new "do"

  13. I find that a ponytail is the easiest answer!

    I hope you like the results! :D

  14. ummmm we need a hair picture pronto!! i hope it all worked out for you! new hair products are like heaven only better....i'd be lost without my flat iron!

  15. Good for you! I got a CHI iron and an ionic blowdryer too. They really help! I can't wait to see pics!

  16. I feel you sister. I have naturally curly hair and it took me YEARS to learn what to do with it. My school photos are evidence of that.

  17. Hair is only as good as the product you put into it!

    Lady, I hate "Mom Hair" and I go through a phase about every 6 weeks when I swear I have "Mom hair" and immediately want a change.

    Let's see a pic of the new 'do!

  18. Wait.

    You're supposed to style your hair? I always thought just raking my fingers through it after showering was enough.

  19. I'm with you on the hair thing. I pretty much consider myself a lost cause though, at least for now. I am a fan of the chin bob which required minimal effort on my part - and if Katie Holmes can rock it, I can, too, right?

  20. the straightening iron will rock your world!!!
    be sure to share pix!

  21. It will work, I'm the same way though, I hate doing my hair, it must be an easy hairstyle

  22. ooooh I've been coveting one of those ceramic straighteners but haven't managed to actually buy one. You'll have to let me know how you like it!

  23. Sorry I've been MIA, guys...lots and lots of deadlines at work. But after two days of using the fancy tools, and numerous compliments on my hair, I'd have to say they're working!

    I'll post pics soon. Prob'ly not till after the weekend, though.


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