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Friday, April 10, 2009

A Week of Firsts

Tori is officially one week old today, and it's been a busy week. So busy, I dont' actually have time to do a real post, so how 'bout I just throw some cute baby pics at you instead?

Her first minutes in the world...

All cleaned up...

Cuddling with mom...

Cuddling with Dad...

Her first visitors...

Ready to go home...

Her first walk...

Her first bath (yes, in a roasting pan)...


And that's all for now, folks. I promise to write something soon, when I have both a free minute and the necessary brain cells.


  1. I found your site on a message board on Baby Center, and have been thoroughly entertained by your writing! Your daughter is just beautiful. Congratulations! I absolutely love that her first bath was in a roasting pan. Classic! :o)

  2. Hurray! I'm glad you enjoy it.


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