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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Very First Blog Award.

I feel special, Internet. Why, you ask? Because Allyson over at Pink Flip Flops and Wine just sent me my very first blog award. I just love that I'm making bloggy friends who think highly enough of me to give me lovely awards like this one:

The idea behind it? To draw attention to new favorites, and to pass the love on! The rules behind this award are:

1) To accept the award, post it on your blog, along with the name of the person who gave it to you.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs you recently discovered and think are great! be sure to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

That's something I'm more than happy to do. So here they are, my list of deserving bloggees (in no particular order).

Well, actually, there's only ten here, not because there aren't more blogs out there I love to read, but because I'm all hopped up on cold medicine, and assembling this list has taken me more than an hour.

I promise to give out the other five when my brain returns to me...

This Heavenly Life
That Crazy Baby Mama
Sweeter Homes
My Life...Badly Written
Mommy Melee
Manic Mother
Just Lisa...No Filler
joy to the blog
It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy
Momma Blogs A Lot


  1. Bummer you are sick! And I agree, this takes FOREVER to do. I think it took me over an hour too! ha ha

    You have Alicia (it aint easy being cheesy) on your list! I love her!! She actually gave me my first ever blog award. Awww

    Congrats to you! I'm so glad I found your blog. :)

  2. Thanks Amber, how sweet! And thanks for stopping by earlier!

  3. wow, what an honor! thank you!!!


  4. awwww congrats to you and thanks sooo much!! and how sweet is allyson's comment...i just love you guys!

  5. Thank you Amber! I'm honored and very grateful... *now doing happy dance in our office*

    I'll copy and past the picture on my blog:-)


Feed my blogging habit and leave me a comment! Oh, and if you do me a favor and make sure your email isn't blocked, we can keep this conversation from being one-sided!