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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Landmark Day on This Little Blog.

One year ago today, I wrote the very first entry on this little blog of mine. That's right. I've been at this a whole year. That might not mean much to most of you, but it's quite an accomplishment for me.

I'm famous for abandoning things almost as soon as I start them. Like what? Well, knitting, for one. I asked for a whole bunch of books one year, got myself some hooks and some yarn, sat down to knit a scarf...and put them down a half hour later, never to be picked up again.

Vegetarianism, astrology, running, yoga, sketch comedy writing...all are things I've enthusiastically embraced—and then discarded. But blogging? Blogging is different. Blogging makes me a better writer. A better employee. A happier person.

I've heard it said many a time that in order to be a real writer, you have to sit down and actually write for a half hour a day. But until I started this blog, I could never make myself do  it. Sure, I want to write the next great American novel. But I don't have the attention span to actually see it through. My ideas are just not that big.

Five hundred word blog entries, though? Fall out of my brain and through my fingers with ease. And because I have this outlet, this place to play, I get less aggravated by the writing I have to do. The words I get paid to put to paper, er, computer screen. So what if my clients choose to butcher my best work? I can come here and be as good (or as sucky) as I please.

That's refreshing.

Plus, because I can vomit out all my worst moods here on the bloggin' screen, there's not as much bottled up inside my head. And my brain? Can get quite crowded indeed. Now that there's a little space in there, I think I'm a little easier to live with. I know I'm not quite as likely to go into total shutdown mode—a state that frustrates my husband to no end.

And that's a very good thing indeed.

So this blog will live on into its second year. In fact, I start to feel itchy if I miss a day of posting, so I anticipate things will continue to be lively around here. Thank you to all of you who take time out of your day to read my random thoughts—I appreciate you more than I know.

I'd do this even if no one was listening—but, I'll be honest. My heart leaps every time you take the time to comment. I pore over my Google Analytics every day, and I do a little dance every time I get a new subscriber.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. All of you. I promise to try even harder this year to be worthy of your attention. You rock.


  1. Congratulations on the one year blogiversary! I feel like I could have written this exact same entry. It is nice to just write what you want and create something that doesn't require a creative brief and client sign off.

  2. Even though I rarely leave a comment, I read your blog every day... Keep it up!

  3. Good job on maitaining a well-written heart-felt, true to yourself blog especially for an entire year. It's nice to see what is on your mind.

    Now the burning question, what do you want for dinner?

    Love you

  4. Happy one year Amber!!! I too love blogging because "I can come here and be as good (or as sucky) as I please."

  5. Congratulations! We love to read what your write, so very excited that you're going to keep doing it! We're all ready to stand by and hold your hair while you vomit away! :)


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